August 28, 2008

Coins!! "Hobby of Queens"

Coins.. its like a source of fascination, wonderment.
I collect coins as pieces of art, well u might be aware that this art was earlier known as the "Hobby of Kings", i would add “Queens”;)

Coins were made as a media for trade n stuff.. but since everyone used them they were also used to give respect to people or lay importance to certain events, days .. etc.
It is these coins apart from the regular ones which are cool.. they are called commemorative coins. These are the ones we usually see... with diff pics behind.
Then there are rare coins with mint errors.. u can't lay hands on them coz govt. restrains them from coming to market.. but u can get them via ppl u know at mint.
These are of types like.. blank coins, coins with two heads, half prints.. n more.
Coins are a pleasure to look at... to know the history behind them is interesting.
In pic are the 10rs 50rs 100rs coins of pure silver.
To view some common Indian coins go to

More on and about coins.. coming up!!


Well formally speaking.. its really strange that I ve been posting in here for ages but I never mentioned my dearest most charming amusing n always chattering friends...

Its simply fun being together... its fun calling each other by stupid names.. especially when they get annoyed:) telling each other about the embarrassing moments .. arguing on stupid things, laughing together ..

Climbing the highest slopes, going trekking, discovering wonderful eating places, going on a shopping spree.. what not..

Its so much fun not being just me.. but US!!

August 27, 2008


I thought of typing some of my old poems .. so here's one!!!!

छोटी सी ज़िन्दगी पर ख्वाब बहुत हैं!
सोचा तो नहीं पर पूरे करने हैं!
छोटे-छोटे पल कितनी खुशियाँ दे जाते हैं,
यूँही ज़िन्दगी बीत जाए इन पलों को संजोते हुए!
खुशियों की बौछार कभी एक संग तो कभी बूँद बूँद कर आती है,
सभी को बटोर लो, कहीं किसी बड़ी उम्मीद के साथ ये छोटी छोटी बूँदें यूँ बह न जाएँ!

कभी यूँही जब आँखें भर आती हैं तो उन पलों का एहसास और गहरा हो जाता है
उनका महत्व उतना ही बढ़ जाता है!
दिल भर आता है लैब खामोश आँखें नम ,इतना कुछ कहकर भी कुछ नहीं कहते!
यही ज़िन्दगी है!

किसी को खोने का गम तो पाने की ख़ुशी,
हारने का दर्द तो जीतने का एहसास!
मिलने की इच्छा तो बिछुड़ने का दुःख,
ये छोटे छोटे पल ज़िन्दगी को कितना हसीं बना देते हैं!

कभी सोचा है की फूल क्यूँ खिलते हैं, क्यूँ मुरझाते हैं,
कुछ न कहते हुए भी क्या क्या कह जाते हैं!

चिडियां क्यूँ चेह्क्ति हैं , क्यूँ हवाएं चलती हैं,
क्यूँ आसमान नीला है, क्यूँ धरती गोल है??

सच ज़िन्दगी तुम्हारे लिए ही तो है
आज है कल नहीं..

बस जो पल है .. उसी में जी लो !!